Clifford 50x Automobile Alarm User Manual

Ta ble of Con tents
Stan dard Fea tures of the Cy ber 9 ................... 3
Wel come................................. 9
Your 4- button/12- channel re mote con trols ............. 10
How to use your key chain re mote con trol................. 10
What each but ton/chan nel does...................... 11
How to in ter pret the chirps and park ing light flashes ........ 12
Anti- CodeGrabbing™ (ACG) with Ran dom Code En cryp tion ... 13
En hanced AutoArming .......................13
AutoArming en able/dis able ........................ 13
Vis ual ac knowl edg ment .......................... 13
AutoArm & Lock ............................... 13
In stant AutoArming by pass......................... 13
Smart trunk re lease op tion ...................... 13
Ul traSe cure™ valet mode ....................... 14
Defi ni tions .................................. 14
To en able valet mode ...........................14
To exit valet mode .............................15
Set ting your own se cret valet code .................... 15
Re mote con trolled valet mode en try and exit............... 15
Key less en try in valet mode......................... 15
FACT — False Alarm Con trol and Test ................ 16
Se lecta ble starter/ig ni tion in ter rupt ................. 16