Clifford 2.2X Automobile Alarm User Manual

© 2004 directed electronics, inc.
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The 2-way remote control buttons are used to send commands
to the system. The descriptions below reflect the standard config-
uration for this system. The buttons can be custom configured
for the user’s specific needs by the installer.
standard button configurations
The System Arm and Multi-Level Security Arming functions are
controlled by pressing this button for one second.
The System Disarm and High Security Disarm functions are
controlled by pressing this button for one second.
Silent Mode™ and an optional auxiliary function are controlled
by this button. Silent Mode works by pressing this button for
less than one second before arming or disarming. An optional
auxiliary function, such as trunk release, can be controlled by
pressing this button for 1.5 seconds.
The auxiliary output controls __________________________.
The panic feature is controlled by pressing this button for