Outside Temperature
If the outside temperature is more than 131°F (55°C), the
display will show 131°F. When the outside temperature is
less than Ϫ40°F (Ϫ40°C), the display will show Ϫ40°F/C.
For a nominal charge your dealer can provide a “smok-
er’s” package. This package consists of a cigar lighter and
an ashtray that utilizes one of the cup holders.
The clock and radio each use the display panel built into
the radio. A digital readout indicates the time in hours
and minutes whenever the ignition switch is in the ON or
ACC position. Whenever the radio is turned on, it first
comes up on either tape, cd or radio, whichever was
previously on, and will revert back to Time/Clock after a
few seconds. If Time/Clock was not previously selected,
the display will revert back to whichever was previously
on after a few seconds, whether it was tape, cd or radio.
When the ignition switch is in the OFF position, pressing
the Time button will cause the radio to display time for
several seconds, then turn off.
To Set The Clock:
1. Use a ballpoint pen or similar object to press the hour
(H) or minute (M) buttons on the radio, The time setting
will increase each time you press the button.
2. Press any other button to exit from the clock setting
mode. Or, it will exit the mode automatically if left alone
for 5 or 6 seconds.
Radio Broadcast Signals
Your new radio will provide excellent reception under
most operating conditions. Like any system, however, car
radios have performance limitations, due to mobile op-
eration and natural phenomena, which might lead you to
believe your sound system is malfunctioning. To help
you understand and save you concern about these “ap-
parent” malfunctions, you must understand a point or
two about the transmission and reception of radio sig-