1. Set the parking brake and shift your automatic
transaxle to PARK (P) or your manual transaxle to
NEUTRAL (N). Turn the engine off.
2. Push the button in the latch handle and rotate the
handle down.
3. Open the trunk.
Convertible Bypass Switch
4. Press the bypass switch down to the EMERGENCY
OVERRIDE position. The switch is located under
the shelf panel on the driver’s side in the trunk.
5. Remove the top boot as described in Steps 1 through
9 in “Removing the Boot” earlier in this section.
6. Lower the door windows completely. If the power
windows do not work, leave the doors open.
7. Position one person on each side of the vehicle.
Carefully lift the top by grasping the front corners of
the top, not the linkage.
Do not attempt to force the top up if it does not
move freely. The top or its linkage can be
damaged. Make sure both sides are being lifted
together to avoid twisting. See your dealer if you
still can’t move the top easily.