. Discarding or Transferring Ownership of a Memory Card or the
The format and delete functions of the camera do not actually delete files from the
memory card. The original data remains on the card. Note that responsibility for the
data on a memory card lies with you. The following procedures are recommended
whenever you discard a memory card or the camera, or if you transfer ownership to
another party.
• When discarding a memory card, either physically destroy the memory card or use
commercially available data delete software to completely delete the data on the
memory card.
• When transferring ownership of a memory card to another party, use commercially
available data deletion software to completely delete the data on it.
• Use the format function (page 111) to completely delete the data in built-in memory
before discarding or transferring ownership of the camera.
Computer system requirements are different for each of the applications. Be sure to
check the requirements for the particular application you are trying to use. Note that
the values provided here are minimum requirements for running each application.
Actual requirements are greater, depending on the number of images and the sizes of
the images being handled.
YouTube Uploader for CASIO
• Sufficient memory to run the operating system
• Computer configuration that enables playback of movies on the YouTube site
• Computer configuration that enables upload of movies to the YouTube site
Photo Transport 1.0
Computer System Requirements for Software (For Windows)
Operating System: Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP (SP3)
Operating System : Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP (SP3)
Memory : At least 64MB
Hard Disk Drive Space: At least 2MB