High-Speed Operation
Driving at high speeds, 100 mph
(160 km/h) or higher, puts an additional
strain on tires. Sustained high-speed
driving causes excessive heat build up
and can cause sudden tire failure. You
could have a crash and you or others
could be killed. Some high-speed rated
tires require inflation pressure adjustment
for high speed operation. When speed
limits and road conditions are such that
a vehicle can be driven at high speeds,
make sure the tires are rated for high
speed operation, in excellent condition,
and set to the correct cold tire inflation
pressure for the vehicle load.
The CTS-V high-performance tires, size
245/45R18 96V and P245/45ZR18 96W require
inflation pressure adjustment when driving
your vehicle at speeds of 100 mph (160 km/h) or
higher. Set the cold tire inflation pressure to
the maximum inflation pressure shown on the tire
sidewall, or 41 psi (282 kPa), whichever is
lower. See the example following.
You will find the maximum load and inflation
pressure molded on the tire’s sidewall, in small
letters, near the rim flange. It will read something
like this: Maximum load 710 kg (1565 lbs)
350 kPa (51 psi) Max. Press.
For this example, you would set the cold
inflation pressure for high-speed driving at
41 psi (282 kPa)
When you end high-speed driving, return the tires
to the cold inflation pressures shown on the
tire and loading information label. See Loading
Your Vehicle on page 321.