Q. Is LaserPro
904 theft-Proof?
A. Generally yes. Although
904 is relatively visible
on the exterior of your vehicle, it
is deemed fairly “useless” to
anyone wanting the transceivers
themselves. Any “thief” would
have to cut the cables in order to
remove the transceivers, which
would render them useless to
Q. Can LaserPro
904 be used on
a Motorcycle?
A.Yes, providing the Laser
transceivers are adequately
shielded from the elements.
Q. Is LaserPro 904 weather-
A. Ye s. All three transceivers are
completely sealed against the
elements. Their unique design
guards against water, moisture
and dust.
Q. Is LaserPro
904 a legal
A. Generally yes. While the FCC
governs RF devices that would
“interfere” with law
enforcement’s traffic Radar, Laser
on the other hand, is comprised
of infrared wavelengths of light,
and therefore not governed by
the FCC, but rather the FDA,
which has no regulations
concerning interference with
traffic Laser signals. LaserPro
904 is legal to use in most states
except for California, Utah,
Virginia, and Minnesota. Check
with your local code before use,
or call BELTRONICS at: 800-
Q. Can I use a traditional
dash mounted Radar/Laser
detector with LaserPro
A. Ye s. As discussed throughout
this manual, LaserPro
904 only
detects Laser signals and
provides a warning alert coupled
with Laser countermeasures
904 does not detect
traffic Radar signals. You can
purchase any BEL detector to
complement the protection
obtained with a LaserPro
Simply operate the dash-
mounted detector in tandem
with LaserPro
904 for the best
protection possible. You may
also consider a BEL remote
installation radar/Laser detector.
Visit you local BEL retailer or
call BELTRONICS to inquire
at 800-737-9393.
Questions and Answers
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