
Step 2 — Select Destination
You have many ways to select a destination. For this example, let’s find a nearby
Airport. Select one of the following and the system will calculate a route to that
destination using the criteria set in the Setup menu.
Select by touching screen:
Button to activate main menu.
Select > Start Route Guidance
Select > Point of Interest
Select > Country NOTE: The software remembers the last Country, so
this step is not necessary every time.
Select > By Category
Select > Airport
Select > Sort by Distance
Step 3 — Map/Guide along Route
Proceed to the highlighted route and drive while the Navigation software
provides audible and visual guidance to your destination.
Step 4 — Arrive at Destination
That’s it! You’ve arrived at the selected destination. Refer to the rest of this manual
to become more familiar with the many options available on your Navigation