4 Turn on the computer or game station.
5 Open the computer's Web browser and confirm that you can access
the Internet.
6 Repeat steps 1 through 5 for each computer that you are connecting
to your network.
Connecting Additional Computers Using Wireless
1 Turn on your computer and confirm that it has wireless network
capability. Most current notebooks and laptops have built-in or
external cards/adaptors; most desktops don’t.
• If your computer has wireless capability that's activated and is
able to detect other network connections, the system displays
the message: Wireless network detected. Click here for available
Click the message area. When you see the list of network
connections, go to step 2.
• If your computer has wireless networking capability that's not
activated or is unable to detect other network connections, follow
the manufacturer’s instructions for activating the connection,
then go to step 2.
• If your computer does not have wireless capability, you must
install a wireless network adapter (such as a USB adapter).
Follow the installation instructions that came with it, then use the
adapter's configuration application to locate available networks in
your area.
2 Select zoom from the list of available network connections.
3 Open your Web browser and go to a familiar Web site. If you can
access the site, the wireless connection is working.
4 Set up wireless security for your network.