44 ADSL X5 User’s Guide
Using IP Filters
Use the IP Filter Configuration page to set up IP filters to allow
or block traffic coming into your computer from the Internet. To
open this page, click the IP Filtering button in the Configuration
section of the Advanced Setup page.
To filter Internet traffic, you must define one or more rules (that is,
criteria you want the information to meet before it can proceed).
As information comes in from the Internet, the X5 examines it
and—if it meets the rule—the information moves forward to its
destination on your computer or network. If it does not, it is
The rule can be based on many characteristics, including the
network or Internet protocol it carries, IP address of the sending
computer, the port that the traffic is coming in on, and so forth.
Once you have set up the IP filters you want, click the Save
Changes button, and then click the Write Settings to Flash
For more information about setting up IP filters, click the Help
icon at the top of the screen while you are on the IP Filter
Configuration page. This opens the online help and displays a
topic containing detailed information about this process.