Chapter 1: Installation Instructions 13
Establishing Communication
You must set up the X5 so that it can communicate with your
Internet service provider. To do this, you use the Zoom
Configuration Manager.
1 To log in to the Zoom Configuration Manager, do this:
a Open your Web browser and, in its address bar, type if you are using the Ethernet jack or if you are using the USB port (Windows
only), then press the Enter key on your keyboard.
b When prompted, type the following user name and
password in the appropriate boxes using lowercase letters,
then click OK.
User Name: admin
Password: zoomadsl
If you are not prompted for a user name and password, do
the following in this order: Recheck all connections; restart
the modem and computer; and reset the modem by
inserting a paper clip into the Reset pinhole in the center
of the modem’s back panel and holding it for five seconds.
The user name and password you enter here do not serve
the same purpose as any name and password that your
Internet service provider may have given you.