Mounting Undercarriage Assembly
Make certain the correct upper drive belt (754-0498) is
installed on the undercarriage assembly. If the appropri
ate belt is not installed, replace it with the correct belt
prior to proceeding with mounting the undercarriage.
IMPORTANT: Make certain that the flat side of the belt
is facing outward as it sits against both the idler pulley
and spindle pulley. This allows the “V” side of the belt to
ride snugly in both pulleys.
1. The undercarriage assembly should be in position
beneath the tractor, since you already connected the
PTO cable in the previous steps.
2. There should already be a threaded pin installed in one
of the mounting holes of the undercarriage assembly. If
not installed, install it now as in Figure 10b.
Lift the undercarriage assembly up, inserting the
weld pins on the assembly up through the aligning
holes found along the tractor’s frame rails. Fasten
with hairpin clips and flat washers removed earlier.
See inset image in Figure 11.
3. Connect the extension spring found in your units
loose parts that was mentioned earlier. This spring
connects to the idler bracket on the undercarriage
assemble and the hole on the rear right-hand snow
thrower mounting bracket. See Figure 11.
4. Attach the lower auger drive belt by routing it around
and through the pulley system as seen in Figure 11
NOTE: Proceed to page 16 for next installation steps.
Figure 10b
Figure 11
Before installing
attachment, place
tractor on a firm
and level surface.
Place the PTO in
the disengaged
(OFF) position, set
the parking brake,
shut engine off and
remove key to prevent
unintended starting.
Model Series
600-649 &
Cub Cadet 11C
(38 & 42-inch
Decks with
Cable-Drive PTO)
Deck Idler/
Pull Style
2005 & Later
Belt Keeper
Extension Spring
Spindle Pulley
Undercarriage Assembly
Click Pins
Clevis Pins
Threaded Pin
Undercarriage Assembly
1. Remove the v-belt (754-0371A), this belt will be
replaced later with another v-belt (754-0498) included
in this carton. Also, remove all of the Clevis Pins and
Click pins as seen in Figure 10b.
2. Remove
the flange lock nut and washer as pointed
out in Figure 10a, leaving the spacer underneath it in
place. Mount the idler pulley (756-0627D) and idler
bracket (783-1291) from the loose parts included in
this carton. Replace the flange lock nut and washer.
3. Locate
v-belt part No. 754-0498 and the extension
spring (Part No. 732-04237, which is .50” wide x 12”
long) packaged with the loose parts in this carton.
See Figure 11 for reference.
The V-belt can be identified by the part number
embossed on the outside of the belt.
Route the belt around the spindle pulley, inside of
the belt keepers and to the inside of the idler pulley.
The spring will connect to the Idler bracket but you
may install this once the undercarriage is mounted.
Otherwise it could fall off or get in the way in the
following steps. If you wish to connect this later, retain
the spring for later installation. See the Figure 11.
4. Attach the PTO cable to the idler bracket, then fit the
cable into the slotted fitting as seen in Figure 10a
NOTE: The PTO cable should be hanging down under
you tractor after you removed the mowing deck. You
will need to slide the undercarriage unit under your trac
tor in position for which it will be mounted. The slanted
side should be pointed towards the front of your tractor.
Figure 10a
Flange Lock
Nut & Washer
Idler Pulley &
Idler Bracket
PTO Cable
Belt Keeper Pin
Proper belt routing
diagrams can be
found on page 18-19
of this manual.