
February 3, 1999
3-2. D-DMA
DS-1S provides the following registers to support D-DMA. D-DMA Slave Configuration Register (4C-
4Dh) of the PCI Configuration register is used to set the Base address of the Slave Address.
Slave Address R/W Register Name
Base + 0h W Base Address 0-7
Base + 0h R Current Address 0-7
Base + 1h W Base Address 8-15
Base + 1h R Current Address 8-15
Base + 2h W Base Address 16-23
Base + 2h R Current Address 16-23
Base + 3h W Base Address 24-31
Base + 3h R Current Address 24-31
Base + 4h W Base Word Count 0-7
Base + 4h R Current Word Count 0-7
Base + 5h W Base Word Count 8-15
Base + 5h R Current Word Count 8-15
Base + 6h W Base Word Count 16-23
Base + 6h R Current Word Count 16-23
Base + 7h N/A Reserved
Base + 8h W Command
Base + 8h R Status
Base + 9h W Request
Base + Ah N/A Reserved
Base + Bh W Mode
Base + Ch W Reserved
Base + Dh W Master Clear
Base + Eh N/A Reserved
Base + Fh R/W Multi-Channel Mask
These registers can be accessed by 8-bit or 16-bit bus width.
DS-1S supports 8-bit DMA transfer only.