
CHANGING THE PATTERN - To temporarily specify a different pattern to hear
how it sounds with the song, press [2] or [1] to position the flashing cursor
over the abbreviation “PTN” (Pattern). Then press [+1] and [-1] to specify the
pattern number.
Any changes made to the pattern or backing in Song Play Mode will only be effective temporarily.
When you press [TOP] to locate the top of the song, or press [FWD] or [BWD] to select a starting
measure, the original patterns and backings for the song will be reinstated. Likewise, if you exit Pattern
Mode, when you return to Pattern Mode or select another song, the original patterns and backings for
the particular song will be reinstated.
TURNING THE REPEAT FUNCTION ON AND OFF - When the Repeat function is
turned on, the currently selected song will play continuously until you press
[STOP]. Hold [MODE] and press [PAGE-] or [PAGE+] to access the Repeat
function. The word “REPEAT” will appear in the lower left area of the LCD, along
with the current Repeat status—“ON” or “OFF”. Press [+1] to turn the Repeat
function on. Press [-1] to turn it off.
TURNING THE CHAIN FUNCTION ON AND OFF - The Chain function is handy
for setting up a series of User songs to play one after another. When the
currently selected User song reaches the end, the subsequent User songs
will automatically play—one after the other, in numeric order—until an empty
User song is encountered, or until the last song is finished, or until you press
[STOP]. Hold [MODE] and press [PAGE-] or [PAGE+] to access the Chain
function. The word “CHAIN” will appear in the lower left area of the LCD,
along with the current Chain status—“ON” or “OFF”. Press [+1] to turn the
Chain function on. Press [-1] to turn it off.