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LS9-16/32 Owner’s Manual
Parts and their function
⁄0 SELECTED CHANNEL section• • • • • • • • •
In this section you can operate the most important mix
parameters for the currently selected input channel or out-
put channel.
The function of the controllers in this section will depend
on the type of channel that is selected.
1 [HA GAIN] encoder
● When an INPUT/ST IN channel is selected
The encoder will adjust the gain of the internal head
amp or an external head amp device (AD8HR) con-
nected to a rear panel slot.
● When any other channel is selected
The encoder will not do anything.
B [PAN] encoder
● When an INPUT/ST IN channel is selected
● When a MIX channel is selected
The encoder will adjust the panning of the signal sent
to the L/R channels (or the L/C/R channels in the case
of LCR mode) of the STEREO bus. If a MIX channel
set to stereo is selected, the encoder will adjust the
output balance of the left and right channels.
● When a MATRIX channel is selected
If a monaural MATRIX channel is selected, the
encoder will not do anything. If a stereo MATRIX
channel is selected, the encoder will adjust the output
balance of the left and right channels.
● When a STEREO/MONO (C) channel is
The encoder will not do anything for MONO (C)
channel. For a STEREO channel, the encoder will
adjust the output balance of the left and right channels.
● When an INPUT/ST IN channel is selected
The encoder will adjust the send level from that chan-
nel to the currently selected bus. (For a FIXED type
bus, the encoder will switch the send on/off.)
If the send-destination bus is stereo, this encoder will
specify the panning of the signal sent to the two buses
if an odd-numbered bus is selected, or will specify the
send level if an even-numbered bus is selected.
● When a MIX channel is selected
The encoder will adjust the send level from that MIX
channel to the currently selected MATRIX bus.
● When a MATRIX channel is selected
The encoder will adjust the send level from the MIX
channels to the currently selected MATRIX bus.
D [DYNAMICS 1] encoder
● When an INPUT/ST IN channel is selected
The encoder will adjust the threshold of Dynamics 1
(e.g., gate).
● When any other channel is selected
The encoder will adjust the threshold of the compres-
sor, etc.
E [DYNAMICS 2] encoder
● When an INPUT/ST IN channel is selected
The encoder will adjust the threshold of Dynamics 2
(e.g., compressor).
● When any other channel is selected
The encoder will not do anything.
F EQ [Q] encoder
G EQ [FREQUENCY] encoder
H EQ [GAIN] encoder
These encoders adjust the Q, frequency, and gain of the
band selected by keys 9–L.
• The PAD will be internally switched on or off when the HA
gain is adjusted between -14 dB and -13 dB. Keep in mind
that noise may be generated if there is a difference between
the Hot and Cold output impedance of the external device
connected to the INPUT connector when using phantom
• In SENDS ON FADER mode, this encoder will not do any-
thing regardless of which channel is selected.
• By simultaneously pressing the EQ [Q] encoder and the EQ
[GAIN] encoder, you can reset the gain to 0 dB for the band
selected by the keys below (
• If you have selected a LOW band or HIGH band whose type can
be changed, you can switch the type by turning the EQ [Q]
encoder while pressing it when Q is set to the maximum or mini-
mum value.
LOW band :
• Switches to LOW shelving if you turn the encoder toward the
right while pressing it when Q is at the minimum value
• Switches to high pass filter if you turn the encoder toward the
left while pressing it when Q is at the maximum value (MIX,
MATRIX, STEREO, and MONO channels only)
HIGH band :
• Switches to HIGH shelving if you turn the encoder toward the
right while pressing it when Q is at the minimum value
• Switches to low pass filter if you turn the encoder toward the
left while pressing it when Q is at the maximum value
For shelving, high pass filter, and low pass filter as well, you can
switch the type by turning the encoder while pressing it.