4. Error messages relating to CC-Link
This section describes error messages relating to CC-Link compatible units. For other messages, refer
to robot controller owner's manuals.
When an error occurs, an error message appears on the message line (2nd line) of the MPB screen.
12.1 : Emg.stop on
Code : &H0C01
Meaning/Cause : a. MPB emergency stop button was pressed.
b. Emergency stop terminals on SAFETY connector are open (emergency stop status).
c. MPB or terminator is not connected to MPB connector.
d. SAFETY connector is not connected.
e. SI(00) is not ON.
f. Error in connection to CC-Link system.
Action : 1. Release the MPB emergency stop button.
2. Close the emergency stop terminals on SAFETY connector.
3. Connect MPB or terminator to MPB connector.
4. Attach the SAFETY connector.
5. Set SI(00) to ON.
6. Correct the connection to CC-Link system.
12.2 : Interlock on
Code : &H0C02
Meaning/Cause : a. Program was executed or moving of axis attempted with interlock signal still input.
b. Interlock signal turned ON during execution of program or axis movement..
c. DC 24V is supplied to STD.DIO connector and DI(11) is not turned ON.
d. SI(11) is not ON.
e. Error in connection to CC-Link system.
Action : 1. Cancel the interlock signal, and execute program or move axis.
2. Set DI(11) on STD.DIO connector to ON.
3. Set SI(11) to ON.
4. When not using STD.DIO, disable (invalid) the "Watch on STD.DO DC24V" parameter
in SYSTEM mode.
5. Correct the connection to CC-Link system.
12.11: CC-Link communication error
Code : &H0C0B
Meaning/Cause : a. Error in cable for CC-Link system.
b. Master station sequencer power is turned off or the operation has stopped.
Action : 1. Check for the cable and take measures to suppress noise on the controller.
2. Check if the master station sequencer is operating correctly.
12.12: CC-Link overtime error
Code : &H0C0C
Meaning/Cause : a. Communication error in CC-Link system due noise, etc.
b. Master station sequencer power is turned off or the operation has stopped.
Action : 1. Take measures to suppress noise on the CC-Link system cable and controller.
2. Check if the master station sequencer is operating correctly.
12.70: Incorrect option setting
Code : &H0C46
Meaning/Cause : a. Error in DIP switch setting on option unit.
b. Mismatched option units have been installed.
c. Cannot identify the installed option unit.
Action : 1. Check the DIP switch settings on the option unit.
2. Install the correct option units.
3. Replace the option unit.