■ Sync
The parameters for LFO2 Sync are the same as for
LFO1 Sync. For an explanation, see page 100.
■ Delay
The parameters for LFO2 Delay are the same as for
LFO1 Delay. For an explanation, see page 100.
■ Fade
The parameters for LFO2 Fade are the same as for
LFO1 Fade. For an explanation, see page 101.
■ Speed
The parameters for LFO2 Speed are the same as for
LFO1 Speed. For an explanation, see page 101.
■ Phase
Sets the phase of the LFO frequency modulation
wave at which a key is pressed.
As shown in the diagram below, the values 0-3
correspond to phase degrees as follows: 0 , 90, 180,
and 270, respectively.
❏ Settings: 0~3
■ Dest (Destination)
Selects the objects to be modulated by the LFO2
❏ Settings: 00: OFF
01: volume
02: pan
03: pitch
04: LFO1speed
05: LFO1 PMD
06: LFO1 AMD
07: LFO1 FMD
■ Depth
Sets the depth of the LFO2 wave modulation.
❏ Settings: 0~127
Phase 0° 90° 180° 270°
01 23
[F7]: CTRL (Controller)
The Controller parameters set the Controllers. Starting
with the [PITCH] wheel on the front panel, various
controllers can be set for each element. There are two
menus available.
[F7]: PITCH (Pitch Control)
[F8]: SET (Controller Set)
[F3]: [REMAP]
[F7]: PITCH (Pitch Control)
Sets parameters for pitch bend and portamento. A
different value can be set for each element.
■ Pitch Bend Upper
Sets the degree of pitch change in semitones (half
steps) when the [PITCH] wheel is moved in an
upwards direction. For example, a value of +12
means that moving the [PITCH] wheel upwards can
raise the pitch a maximum of one octave.
❏ Settings: –48~0~+24
■ Pitch Bend Lower
Sets the degree of pitch change in semitones (half
steps) when the Pitch Bend Wheel is moved in a
downwards direction. For example, a value of –12
means that moving the [PITCH] wheel downwards
can lower the pitch a maximum of one octave.
❏ Settings: –48~0~+24
■ Port Sw (Portamento Switch)
Turns the portamento “on” and “off.” Portamento
creates a smooth glide in pitch from one note to the
next. Portamento is a common function equally
applied to all elements.
❏ Settings: off, on
■ Port Time (Portamento Time)
Sets the time of the pitch glide between successively
played notes. Higher settings result in a longer
(slower) glide.
❏ Settings: 0~127
Voice/E.qx 5/21/98 11:30 AM Page 103