Guided Tour
Guided Tour
Record Your Own Chord Progression & Pattern Changes
. Record the Chord Changes
When you press the [>] button to begin recording to the
chord track, the metronome will sound and you’ll be given a
count-in in the same was as described in step 6, above. Once
recording begins (the cursor will automatically move to the chord
name area of the display), you can enter the required chord
changes at the appropriate points in the accompaniment as fol-
Entering Chord Changes
Chords are entered via the QY100 micro-keyboard. Note
that the lower octave of the keyboard has chord root
names “E” through “D#/Eb” marked on the keys, and the
upper octave keys are marked with a variety of chord types.
To enter a chord, press the key corresponding to the
desired chord root, then the key for the desired chord type
(the chord type keys alternately select the upper and lower
chord types marked on them … watch the display), and
then press the [ENTER] button (refer to the “Chord Type
List” of the separate Data List booklet for a list of the avail-
able chord types). If a chord is to be followed by a different
chord of the same type, you don’t have to re-enter the
chord type.
CHORD ROOT → CHORD TYPE (if necessary) → [ENTER]
● Example: Enter a G7 Chord