
MOXF6/MOXF8 Reference Manual
Basic Structure
Functional blocks
Tone Generator block
A/D Input block
Sequencer block
Arpeggio block
Controller block
Effect block
Internal memory
Voice mode
Performance mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Remote mode
Utility mode
Quick setup
File mode
Using iOS Applications
Pattern Chain allows you to string several different Sections (within a single Pattern) together to make a
single, complete Song. You can have the MOXF6/MOXF8 automatically change Sections by creating a
Pattern Chain beforehand, recording Pattern playback with Section changes from the Pattern Chain
display. One Pattern Chain can be created for each Pattern in the Pattern Chain display (page 103). You
can also use this feature when creating Songs based on a certain Pattern, since the created Pattern
Chain can be converted into a Song in Pattern Chain Edit (page 104).
This is the basic MIDI sequence data in a Track—and the smallest unit—used in creating a Pattern.
“Phrases” are short musical/rhythmic passages for a single instrument, such as a rhythm pattern for the
rhythm part, a bass line for the bass part, or a chord backing for the guitar part. This synthesizer
features memory space for 256 of your own original User Phrases.
The MOXF6/MOXF8 provides no Preset Phrases.
A Pattern consists of 16 separate Tracks. See “Sequence Tracks 1 – 16” of “Song Track Structure.”
(Page 9)
A Pattern consists of 16 Tracks to which the Phrase can be assigned. MIDI data cannot be directly
recorded to each Track in the Pattern mode. Recording is done to an empty User Phrase. The newly
created Phrase is automatically assigned to the recording Track.
Sequencer block applied to both Songs and Patterns
MIDI Tracks are created by recording your keyboard performance in the Song Record mode/Pattern
Record mode. MIDI sequence data is recorded to the MIDI Track and the Normal Voice or Drum Voice is
assigned to the Mixing part corresponding to the Track. To edit the Mixing parameters such as Voice,
volume and pan for each Track, press the [MIXING] button to enter the Mixing mode (page 114), then
edit them for the Mixing Part corresponding to the desired Track. Note that Track 1 does not always
correspond to Mixing Part 1. As illustrated below, each Track of the Song sequence data and each
Mixing Part of the tone generator block are connected when the output channel (TxCH) equals the
receive channel (RcvCH). In other words, the sequence data of each Track plays the corresponding
Parts (those having the same MIDI channel assignment) in the tone generator block. The Transmit
Channels of each Track can be set in the TRACK display (page 78) of the Song mode or Pattern mode
while the Receive Channels of each Part can be set in the VOICE display (page 117) of Mixing Edit.
Pattern Chain
Pattern Track Structure
Pattern Tracks and Phrases
MIDI Tracks and Mixing settings
Section A Section B Section C
Track 1
Track 2
Track 16
Phrase 001
Phrase 002
Phrase 003
Phrase 001
Phrase 002
Phrase 003
MIDI data
MIDI data
MIDI data