IMX644 Manager Owner’s Manual
Here you can save your edited parameter settings in sixteen different memories, or recall previously-saved settings.
1 Memory list
This area shows the names of the sixteen memories.
If you want to edit the name of a memory, recall that memory; then click the Memory field in the header area, edit the name,
and re-save the memory.
2 Option buttons
These buttons select the memory to which Store or Recall operations will apply.
3 [Store] button
This stores the edited parameter settings into the specified memory.
Use the option buttons to select the memory number to which you want to store the edited settings, and click the [Store] button;
a confirmation dialog box will appear. Click [OK] to store the memory.
4 [Recall] button
This recalls the parameters stored in the memory.
Use the option buttons to select the number of the memory that you want to recall, and click the [Recall] button. A confirma-
tion dialog box will appear; click [OK] to recall the memory. When the memory has been recalled, the BLOCK screen will
• You can also assign memories to the front panel MEMORY [A]–[D] buttons and use them to recall memories. In order to do this, you’ll
need to make memory assignments in the MEMORY ASSIGN field of the MISC screen (page 23).
• If you want to recall memories while connected online with the IMX644, use the [A]–[D] buttons in IMX644 Manager; not the
IMX644’s MEMORY [A]–[D] buttons.
MEMORY screen
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