Effect Functions and Parameters
• SPEED knob + [TREMOLO]
Sets the phase difference between the left and
right sounds. From 0 degrees to 360 degrees
(0.0-10.0). Set to “5” the knob works like a ste-
reo pan pot.
• DEPTH knob + [TREMOLO]
Sets the wave shape of the tremolo. A setting of
“0.0” produces a triangular wave. Rotate the knob
to the right to change the shape to a trapezoid
with its sharpness increasing the more the knob
is turned.
Delay Effects
There are two effects, DELAY and TAPE ECHO.
This is a digital delay effect. The sound played will
be repeated after a determined pause.
• TIME knob
Sets the delay time (from the time or the original
sound to the time of the delay).
When the delay effect is used, it is possible
to set the TIME parameter (delay time) by tap-
ping on the BANK switch. Tap a few times on
the BANK switch in the tempo you want to
set the delay to. The interval in which the
switch was tapped will be set in the TIME pa-
Sets the number of times the effect will repeat.
* Too high of a setting may result in an uncontrolled oscilla-
tion of sound. Please use caution.
• LEVEL knob
Controls the volume of the source signal into the
Delay circuit.
* If the same Delay setting is switched from a patch using a
LEVEL other than “0” to a patch using a LEVEL of “0”,
the remaining Delay will be leftover. Of course, the sound
of the new patch will not be affected by the delay.
A digital simulation that provides an realistic repro-
duction of the classic tape echo.
• TIME Knob
Sets the delay time (from the time of the original
sound to the time of the delay).
* Just as in the DELAY effect, tapping on the BANK switch
can set the TIME (Delay Time) parameter.
Sets the number of times the effect will repeat.
* Too high of a setting may result in an uncontrolled oscilla-
tion of sound. Please use caution.
• LEVEL knob
Controls the volume of the source signal into the
Tape Echo circuit.
* If the same Tape Echo setting is switched from a patch us-
ing a LEVEL other than “0” to a patch using a LEVEL of
“0”, the remaining Tape Echo will be leftover. Of course,
the sound of the new patch will not be affected by the Tape
Reverb Effects
There are three types of digital reverb, SPRING,
●SPRING (Spring Reverb)
This effect simulates the spring reverb of a vintage
guitar amp.
• REVERB knob
Controls the volume of the source signal into the
Reverb circuit.
●HALL (Hall Reverb)
This effect simulates the reverb of a hall.
• REVERB knob
Controls the volume of the source signal into the
Reverb circuit.
●PLATE (Plate Reverb)
This effect simulates the reverb of a metal plate.
• REVERB knob
Controls the volume of the source signal into the
Reverb circuit.
* If the same Reverb type is switched from a patch using a
LEVEL other than “0” to a patch using a LEVEL of “0”,
the remaining Reverb will be leftover. Of course, the sound
of the new patch will not be affected by the Reverb.