Thank you for purchasing the Yamaha Clavinova! We recommend that you read this manual care-
fully so that you can fully take advantage of the advanced and convenient functions of the Clavinova.
We also recommend that you keep this manual in a safe and handy place for future reference.
● Music Software Collection Disk (and Music Book)
This disk features sample songs that you can play back on your Clavinova, as well as MIDI
driver software for computers.
● Floppy Disk
Use this blank disk to record your performances.
● Owner’s Manual
This manual contains complete instructions for operating your Clavinova.
● Reference Booklet
This manual contains lists of voices, styles, and parameters, etc., as well as specifications
and assembly instructions for your Clavinova.
● Bench
A bench may be included or optional, depending on your locale.
• The CVP-103M will be referred to as the CVP-103 in this Own-
er’s Manual.
• The illustrations and LCD screens as shown in this owner’s
manual are for instructional purposes only, and may appear
somewhat different from those on your instrument.
• Unauthorized copying of copyrighted software for purposes other
than the purchaser’s personal use is prohibited.
● Trademarks:
• Apple and Macintosh are trademarks of Apple Com-
puter, Inc.
• IBM-PC/AT is a trademark of International Business
Machines Corporation.
• Windows is the registered trademark of Microsoft®
• All other trademarks are the property of their respec-
tive holders.
The Panel Logos
The logos printed on the Clavinova panel indicate standards/formats it supports and special features it includes.
Disk Orchestra Collection
The DOC voice allocation format provides data playback com-
patibility with a wide range of Yamaha instruments and MIDI
Style File Format
The Style File Format (SFF) is Yamaha’s original style file
format, which uses a unique conversion system to provide high-
quality automatic accompaniment based on a wide range of
chord types. The Clavinova uses the SFF internally, reads
optional SFF style disks, and creates SFF styles using the
Custom Style feature.
GM System Level 1
“GM System Level 1” is an addition to the MIDI standard which
guarantees that any data conforming to the standard will play
accurately on any GM-compatible tone generator or synthesizer
from any manufacturer.
XG Format
XG is a new Yamaha MIDI specification which significantly ex-
pands and improves on the “GM System Level 1” standard with
greater voice handling capacity, expressive control, and effect
capability while retaining full compatibility with GM. By using the
Clavinova’s XG voices, it is possible to record XG-compatible
song files.
XF Format
The Yamaha XF format enhances the SMF (Standard MIDI File)
standard with greater functionality and open-ended expandability
for the future. The Clavinova is capable of displaying lyrics when
an XF file containing lyric data is played. (SMF is the most com-
mon format used for MIDI sequence files. The Clavinova is com-
patible with SMF Formats 0 and 1, and records “song” data using
SMF Format 0.)