Appendixes A-3
Asia Pacific Customer Support
Xircom Asia Pacific (Pte) Ltd.
76 Shenton Way
Unit #06-01
Singapore 079119
+65 323 1511
+65 323 3404 Customer Support
+65 224 3313 Fax
+65 323 0455 BBS (up to 33.6Kbps)
asiats@xircom.com E-mail
Xircom Australia
Level 15, 99 Walker Street
North Sydney, NSW
Australia 2060
+61 (02) 9911 7794 Customer Support
+61 (02) 9911 7796 Fax
+61 (02) 9911 7758 BBS (up to 33.6Kbps)
aunzts@xircom.com E-mail
Xircom Japan Customer Support
KDD Otemachi Bldg. /21F
1-8-1, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 100-0004
+81 (03) 3243 1129 Customer Support
+81 (03) 3243 1019 Fax
japan_ts@xircom.com E-mail
Additional International Access
Contact your local reseller or distributor
www.xircom.com World Wide Web
Please fill out and return the Product Registration Card supplied with
the product. Your information will be entered into our support