3-3 Levels of access and control
You can implement passwords as a means of controlling access to EX7750 functions.
The EX7750 allows you to set the following passwords in Setup:
•Administrator—from the Control Panel, WebSetup, or Command WorkStation (or
local Setup, if you have the Fiery Advanced Controller Interface [FACI] installed)
•Operator—from WebSetup or Command WorkStation
These passwords, specific to the server process, have different uses than the
Windows XP Administrator password. Keep careful track of the passwords you set
for each.
NOTE: By default, an Administrator password of “Fiery.1” is set on the EX7750. For
information about setting or changing the passwords, see “Setting passwords” on
page 7-2.
Administrator privileges
Administrator control, which confers control of Setup, is the highest level of control,
since the person who has access to Setup can control the printing and job management
environment. Administrator privileges include publishing print connections, setting
passwords, deleting fonts, controlling print jobs from the job management tools,
overriding job settings, clearing the EX7750 of all job data, performing calibration,
defining default color profiles, and setting default values for print options.
When performing a function from the EX7750 Control Panel that prompts you for
the Administrator password, you must enter it promptly. Otherwise, the EX7750
Control Panel returns to Idle, and you must start over again.