Installation and Configuration
Configure for Multichannel Operation
38 Operating Manual for Multichannel Functionality (GPIB-M)
A power supply will attempt to connect to the network:
• on power up, and
• when the multichannel address is changed.
The power supply will successfully connect if there are no other power supplies on
the network with the same address.
Error 1702, “Multichannel address taken” is queued if the power
supply fails to connect.
SCPI Remote Control (RCONtrol) subregister will indicate the status of the
connection. A power supply that has been disabled will not have any bits set. Use the
SCPI command:
to query the condition of the multichannel interface.
See Table 4.5, “Remote CONtrol Sub-Register,” on page 74 for a description of the
bits in this register.
To send a command to a multichannel power supply, attach the channel address to
the command. If no channel number is specified, the command will be executed by
the directly connected power supply.
For example, the command:
SOURce12:VOLT 10.0
will set the power supply with address 12 to 10V output. The master receives the
command and puts in on the CANbus.
Appendix B. “SCPI Command Reference” lists all commands.
[<channel>]indicates where the multichannel address is to be inserted into the
IEEE488.2 commands have been given an alias that is SCPI compliant if the
command is applicable to a power supply in multichannel operation. These
commands include *CLS, *IDN?, *OPT?, *RST, *TST?, *RCL, *SAV, *SDS, and
*WAI. See Table B.1, “IEEE 488.2 Commands,” on page 104.
Note The multichannel interface can not handle multiline response messages.