Adding Delays
9. To add a DELAY after the IR Command (following Step 5), press the DELAY button. The PROGRAM LED will flash
once to indicate that the ISM4 has entered delay mode.
10. Press the NEXT button once for each second of delay to be added to the IR Macro Command. Press the PREV
button once for each second of delay to be subtracted. To save the Delays, press and release the SEQUENCE
NOTE: The first press of the NEXT button will add one second of delay. Each additional press will add one second up
to 60 seconds after which the timer will reset back to 0 seconds. The first press of the PREV Button will add 60
seconds of delay. Each additional press will subtract one second down to 0 seconds after which the timer will reset to
60 seconds.
Test Macro
11. A fully programmed (Source ON or OFF) Macro can be tested by pressing the TEST button while in EDIT mode.
NOTE 1: If the IR Commands and Delays within the IR Macro Commands were not properly saved, the Macro cannot
be tested and the Program LED will flash red to indicate error.
NOTE 2: To Test a Macro starting from Normal Operation Mode, Press and hold SEQUENCE until the active source
blinks once and release to enter Edit Mode, (Source 1 and Program LEDs will turn ON solid green), Navigate to the
Macro to be tested (2 second press of PREV or NEXT) and then press the TEST button.
Advance to Source 2 – 4
12. To advance to SOURCE 2 (from Source 1 (OFF Macro)), press and hold the NEXT button again until the SOURCE 1
LED blinks once and release. The SOURCE 2 LED and the PROGRAM LED will turn ON solid green. Repeat the
sequence to advance to SOURCES 3 and 4.
NOTE: Pressing and holding the PREV button until the active Source LED blinks once, will shift programming to the
previous Macro. (i.e. pressing and holding the PREV button while in SOURCE 1 (ON Macro) Edit Mode, will shift Edit
Mode to the SOURCE 4 OFF Macro. (SOURCE 4 LED will turn ON solid green and the PROGRAM LED will turn on
solid orange.)
13. Repeat Steps 2-11 above until all SOURCE ON and OFF Macros have been programmed, tested and saved. It is
vitally important to program both the SOURCE ON and OFF Macros. The ISM4 will not function properly if both sets
of Macros have not been programmed.
Exit Edit Mode
14. To exit Edit Mode, press and hold the PREV button, release after the selected SOURCE LED blinks a second time
(about 2 seconds apart). The ISM4 will return to Normal Operating Mode.
Test ISM4 (All Macros)
NOTE: All system devices and components must be properly setup and connected to test ISM4 Macro Programming. Be
sure that all Sensors are connected to the appropriate device and the Source Sense Input Ports on the ISM4. Also be
sure all IR Emitters are connected to the appropriate Source “IR Out “ Ports on the ISM4 and attached to the correct
device over the IR eye for that device.
15. With all Sources OFF, turn the System Reference Device (SOURCE 1) ON. All Sources should turn ON and any
additional setup programming (source select, play, etc) should execute as programmed. If any functions were ‘missed’,
test the individual ON Macro for that Source. Re-learn IR Commands and adjust delays as necessary until the
system powers up correctly.
16. Repeat Step 15 for System OFF. (Turn the System Reference Device, SOURCE1, OFF).