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Shortening life may be extended by following these guidelines:
• Do not salt foods over the fryer.
• Use good quality shortening.
• Filter shortening at least daily.
• Replace shortening if it becomes poorly flavored.
• Keep equipment and surroundings clean.
• Set thermostats correctly.
• Remove excess moisture and particles from food products before placing in fryer.
Add approximately 15% new oil daily. Keep level of shortening between the MIN and MAX level on
the fryer tank back wall. Add fresh shortening as needed.
Turn gas valve OFF when draining or filling.
The shortening should always be filtered while liquefied. A cold fryer will not drain properly because
the shortening under the cold zone tube area will remain hard, even if the heat is on for a few
minutes. If necessary, the clean-out rod may be used to carefully stir up hard fat to an area above
the cold zone where it will melt. After the cold zone is liquefied, turn the fryer thermostat and gas
valve OFF.
Shortening life will be extended by filtering at least once a day or more often if conditions warrant.
A commercial power filter (available from other manufacturers) may be used. Follow the
manufacturer's operating instructions for draining, straining, and replacing shortening in the fry
Another way to filter is to drain the shortening from the drain pipe through a filter bag, or cover the
receiving container with cheesecloth or other filtering material.
Filtering Procedure
1. Turn the fryer OFF.
2. Slowly remove the baskets, especially if shortening is hot, to prevent splashing.
3. Open the fryer door and attach the drain pipe to the drain valve.
4. Select a container of sufficient capacity and place it below the drain pipe.
5. If you are using a filter bag, tie it securely to the drain pipe. If other filter medium is used, place
it in the container.
6. Open the drain valve carefully so the oil stream is directed through the filter.
7. With a small amount of warm shortening, flush out scraps and sediment in the fry tank. Drain
the tank thoroughly and wipe clean.
8. If it is necessary to clean the tank more thoroughly follow the procedure shown in CLEANING
9. Close the drain valve.
10. Pour the strained shortening back into the vat.
11. Add shortening to the "oil level" line.