Ver. 1.5
4/1/2009 - 9 -
19. Click on the Status-Wireless
button, and verify that there is a Current IP address.
This may take several minutes depending on the carrier network.
Figure 13
20. Click on the Home button.
21. Click on the Restart button and confirm by clicking the Restart button again, and
wait 30 seconds.
22. Do a restart of all network devices in order, first the TravelNet Router, 2
Edimax Router, and finally laptop.
Sprint TN-2033 Activation:
1. Connect an Ethernet Cable directly to the TravelNet Cellular Router and the
2. Enable the Local Area Network, when connected, go to the next step.
3. Open a web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Mozilla)
4. Enter the IP address:
Figure 14
Figure 15