Document ID:1508000
Rev: E Technical Support: 80
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Component Reference
Pedicure Product Guidelines
Because there are so many different products on the mar ket, it is difficult to list all of the pedicure products that
are safe to use in our pedicure spas. How ever, the follow ing guidelines can be used:
• It is your responsibility to understand and follow your state’s regulations regarding product cleaning and
disinfecting requirements.
• Do not use any products containing a foaming agent; this w ill cause excessive foam.
• It has been deter mined that products containing non-dissolving abrasives (such as sand and sea salts)
w ill not harm the internal component structure of your pedicure spa as long as the entire EUROPEA N
TOUCH cleaning requirements are follow ed without deviation.
• Oil based products may be used in your pedicure spa as long as the cleaning requirements are met.
• Please use pedicure products and cleaning solutions in accordance with each manufacturer's
EUROPEA N TOUCH w hirlpool pedicure spas w ill give you many years of service as long as proper
precautions and precise cleaning and operating instructions are follow ed. It is the responsibility of the pedicure
spa user to properly clean the pedicure spa.
If you are experiencing problems cleaning your pedicure spa, please contact the manufacturer of your pedicure
products or EUROPEA N TOUCH Technical Support at 800-626-6912.
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