When OPEN, Check the sensor is connected and the wires are continuous to the BCP-8S.
Finally follow the procedure for Incorrect Temperature or Pressure Display. When SHORT
Remove the wires from the sensor terminals. The display should change to read OPEN. If it
does not, the BCP-8S may be damaged.
Remove the wires from the sensor terminals. The display should change to read OPEN. If
it does not, the BCP-8S may be damaged. Take an ohm reading across the detached sensor
wires. The ohm reading should correspond to the Temperature sensor Table. If it does not, the
sensor may be damaged.
System Trim. If reading is SHORT, remove the wires from the sensor terminals. The display
should change to read OPEN. If it does not, the BCP-8S may be damaged.
Check if the control has any of the following:
%RLOHU0RGH6HWWLQJV- The BCP-8S will only sequence boilers their mode is set to Auto or
Standby. Make sure non of the boilers have their Mode set to ON.
Check if the control has any of the following:
%RLOHU0RGH6HWWLQJV- The BCP-8S will only control boilers their mode is set to Auto or Standby. Check if any boilers have
their Mode set to Manual, Off, or Standby.
0LQLPXP5XQWLPH- Increase the Minimum Runtime only if all boilers tend to short-cycle.
5HDFWLRQ7LPHDQG0LQLPXP5XQWLPH- If the system is overshooting, increase the Reaction Time. This will allow the stages
enough time to respond before bringing on another stage. However, if the system was oscillating, increase the Reaction Time and
the Minimum Runtime.
3,'YV266- If the application the system is used on requires fast response that the normal PID mode cannot provide, try using
the OSS mode and adjust the Throttle Range according to the system requirements.
-30 117720
-20 82823
-10 59076
0 42683
10 31215
20 23089
25 19939
30 17264
35 14985
40 13040
45 11374
50 9944
55 8714
60 7653
70 5941
80 4649
90 3667
100 2914
110 2332
120 1879
130 1524