
VXI Technology, Inc.
50 CT-400 Operation
FANSPEEDLOW* - This low true open collector output signals a power supply over-
temperature condition. This fault occurs when either of the two fans supplying air to the VXI
instruments speed drops below 1000 RPM. This signal is pulled up to +5 V with a 4.7k resistor
FANTACH1 - This is a TTL compatible pulse output, whose period is a function of fan number 1
supplying air to the VXI instruments. This signal provides five positive edges per revolution of
the fan. This tachometer output is derived from the current pulses produced when the fans turn;
therefore, when the fan speed is changed abruptly (such as when the fan speed switch is changed)
the output may become unstable momentarily.
FANTECH2 - This is a TTL compatible pulse output, whose period is a function of fan number 2
supplying air to the VXI instruments. This signal provides 5 positive edges per revolution of the
fan. This tachometer output is derived from the current pulses produced when the fans turn;
therefore, when the fan speed is changed abruptly (such as when the fan speed switch is changed)
the output may become unstable momentarily.
FAULT* - This low true open collector output is the logical OR of all the other fault signals. This
signal is pulled up to +5 V with a 4.7k resistor internally.
Connector J211
TTLTRIGINx - TTLTRIGIN0 through TTLTRIGIN7 provide input access to the eight VXIbus
TTLTRIGGER bus lines. Each input is terminated with a 330 resistor to +5 V and a 470
resistor to ground and is compatible with 74F series TTL logic input levels. Each signal is
buffered and drives its respective TTL trigger line with an open collector driver.
TTLTRIGOUTx - TTLTRIGOUT0 through TTLTRIGOUT7 provide output access to the eight
VXIbus TTL trigger bus lines. Each bus signal is buffered and is compatible with 74F series TTL
logic output levels.