10 cooked pate a choux shells (in a elongated oval shape)
5 oz of Chocolate mousseline (see recipe on page 13)
5 oz Cream Chantilly (see recipe on page 30)
5 oz melted dark chocolate
5 servings
• Melt chocolate in a double boiler very slowly
• Take two pastry bags with medium round tips, fill one with the
chocolate mousseline and the other with the cream Chantilly
• Stick the tip of the bag into the cooked dough and pipe mixture
until full (do five with the chocolate and five with the chantilly)
• Once the éclairs are piped dip the side without the hole into the
melted chocolate
• Serve one chocolate and one chantilly with the chocolate side up
as a dessert with a surprise
5 cooked pate a choux shells (in a large roll shape)
7 oz of hot chocolate ganache (see recipe on page 13)
5 large scoops of vanilla ice cream
5 servings
• Make sure the chocolate ganache is hot
• Take cooked pate a choux and cut in half
• Take a large scoop of ice cream and place in between the two layers
of pate a choux
• Place the porfiterole on a cold plate and cover with the hot ganache
/2 pound of raw pate a choux dough
4 cups vegetable oil (for frying)
1 pound powdered sugar
Serves about 10
• Pre heat the oil to 375ºF
• Using a one-ounce scoop, scoop the pate a choux dough into the
hot oil
• Once the dough is brown and puffed, remove from the oil
• Drain and dust generously with powdered sugar
• Serve at breakfast or any time of the day
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