
IIff yyoouu ssmmeellll ggaass::
11.. SShhuutt ooffff ggaass ttoo tthhee aapppplliiaannccee..
22.. EExxttiinngguuiisshh aannyy ooppeenn ffllaammee..
33.. OOppeenn lliidd..
. IIff ooddoorr ccoonnttiinnuueess,, kkeeeepp aawwaayy ffrroomm tthhee aapppplliiaannccee
aanndd iimmmmeeddiiaatteellyy ccaallll yyoouurr ggaass ssuupppplliieerr oorr yyoouurr
ree ddeeppaarrttmmeenntt..
11.. DDoo nnoott ssttoorree oorr uussee ggaassoolliinnee oorr ootthheerr
ffllaammmmaabbllee vvaappoorrss aanndd lliiqquuiiddss iinn tthhee vviicciinniittyy ooff
tthhiiss oorr aannyy ootthheerr aapppplliiaannccee..
22.. AAnnyy LLPP ccyylliinnddeerr nnoott ccoonnnneecctteedd ffoorr uussee sshhaallll
nnoott bbee ssttoorreedd iinn tthhee vviicciinniittyy ooff t
thhiiss oorr aannyy
ootthheerr aapppplliiaannccee..
If not installed, operated and maintained in
accordance with the
this product could expose you to substances in
fuel or fuel combustion which can cause death
or serious illness and which are known to cause
cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm.
For example, benzene is a chemical which is
part of the gas supplied to the cooking
product. It is consumed in the flame during
combustion. However, exposure to a small
amount of benzene is possible if a gas leak
occurs. Formaldehyde and soot are by-
products of incomplete combustion. Properly
adjusted burners with a bluish rather than
yellow flame minimize incomplete combustion.
* Before beginning, please read these instructions
completely and carefully.
• Do not remove permanently affixed labels, warnings, or
plates from product. This may void the warranty
• Please observe all local and national codes and
• The installer should leave these instructions with the
consumer who should retain for local inspector’s use and
for future reference
Installation must conform with local codes or in the
absence of codes, the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI
IInn CCaannaaddaa::
Installation must be in accordance
with the current CAN/CGA-B149.1, Natural Gas and
Propane Installation Code or CAN/CGA-B149.2, Propane
Storage and Handling Code and/or local codes.
This outdoor gas side burner is not
intended to be installed in or on recreational vehicles
and/or boats.
• Keep area clear and free from combustible materials,
gasoline, and other flammable vapors.
• When the outdoor gas grill is not in use, the gas supply
must be turned off at the LP gas supply cylinder.
• The pressure regulator and hose assembly supplied with
the unit must be used. Replacement pressure
regulators and hose assemblies must be those specified
by the manufacturer.
• Finding a leak is not a “do-it-yourself” procedure.
Some leaks can only be found with the burner control in
the on position and this must be done by a qualified
• The LP supply cylinder to be used must be constructed
and marked in accordance with the specifications for LP-
gas cylinders of the U.S. Department of Transportation
(DOT) or the National Standard of Canada, CAN/CSA-
Cylinders, Spheres, and Tubes for the
Transportation of Dangerous Goods.
• Gas Manifold Pressure -
Natural gas - 4.0” W.C.P.
LP/Propane - 10.0” W.C.P.
• If the following instructions are not followed exactly, a
fire causing death or serious injury may occur:
-Do not store a spare LP gas cylinder under or near
this appliance.
-Never fill the cylinder beyond 80 percent full.
•Keep outdoor cooking appliance area free from
combustible materials, gasoline and other
flammable vapors and liquids.
•Keep ventilation openings at the rear of the cart
and cylinder free and clear to allow proper air
flow. Do not obstruct the flow of combustion and
ventilation air.
•Spiders and insects can nest in the burners of the
grill and block the gas and air flow tothe burner
ports. This may cause a fire from behind the
manifold cover. Inspect and clean burners