Play a HD Movie (Blu-ray/HD DVD)?
1. Insert your HD movie into the disc tray. Then, from the media center start menu,
select Play DVD (shown left), and hit OK on the remote.
2. The Media Center Console will close, and launch the appropriate software for Blu-
ray and HD DVD movie playback. Use the video controls buttons to stop, pause,
rewind, and fast forward the HD movie, just like any DVD.
See Online Spotlights?
3. From the media center start menu, select Online Media, and highlight explore.
Hit OK on the remote.
4. After loading, use the arrow keys to select which feature you want to watch, and hit
OK to select it. Each feature will have its own navigation style - simply use the
arrow keys to get around and hit OK to select. Enjoy!
Play DVD Option
on Start Menu
Online Spotlight
Option on Start Menu