
The Broadcast Network Name (SSID) check box enables or disables the SSID broadcast feature.
If this is enabled (checked), MiFi4620L's wireless network appears in the Available Wireless
Networks list on your computer or portable device.
If this is disabled (un-checked), the MiFi 4620L is not listed and its network name (SSID) must
be typed manually to connect a device.
The Privacy Separation check box enables or disables the privacy separation feature.
If this is enabled (checked), Wi-Fi users are isolated from each other.
If this is disabled (un-checked), Wi-Fi users are not isolated from each other.
The Available Wi-Fi connections menu displays the total number of Wi-Fi connections available and
allows you to set how many computers or other devices can simultaneously connect to the MiFi
device's Wi-Fi network.
When your 4610L device is operating over the 4G LTE network, up to ten devices can be
connected to the device’s Wi-Fi network, and when operating over a 3G or GSM network, up
to ve devices can be connected.
The dynamic hand-o feature ensures that all connected devices will remain connected if the
device switches between 4G LTE, 3G and GSM networks due to coverage availability.