Q: How do I find out my lock code?
A: The lock code is normally the last four digits of your
mobile phone number or the manufacturer default
number 0000.
Please check with your service provider for further
details. Each service provider may program this
Q: What is my Pin Code?
A: Check with your service provider.
Q: How do I retrieve a new message or page?
A: Press .
For voicemail: Press VoiceMail.
Press . Then you can check the voicemail box.
For text messages: Press Text.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You can only receive messages
or pages if your service provider has activated and set
up this feature.
Q: How do I send a text message?
A: Press then select .
The 2-way SMS messaging needs to be set up by
your service provider.
Q: How many events can I add to the schedule?
A: Total of 47 events.
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Q: How do I record conversation over the phone?
A: Hold down the key while you are on a call.
Q: How many Voice Activated phone numbers can I
store in the phone book memory?
A: Total of 20 voice activated phone numbers.
How much space do I have available for my Voicemail
machine and Voice memos?
A: Total of 2K.
Q: How do I view the outgoing calls, incoming calls
and missed calls?
A: Press Soft Key 2 Book then press number
Call History.
Q: How do I view all numbers stored in memory?
A: Press Soft Key 2 Book then press number
Phone Book.
Select number Find Entry then press Ok .
Q: How do I clear the call timer (reset the time used
A: Press Soft Key 2 Book , press , then select .
Select or . Use Soft Key 1 Opt . Then select
Zero to reset the timer.
Q: How do I clear All Calls?
A: This cannot be reset.