Index 341
sounds. See specific type
Sounds & Ringtones application 189
speakerphone 91, 271
specifications 322
speed dialing 85, 137, 138
spreadsheets. See Excel files
Sprint Customer Service 11
Sprint Mobile Broadband services 282
Sprint Navigation 247–249
Sprint Operator Services 13
Sprint Premium Services 26
Sprint service plans 12
See also accounts; data services
Sprint TV 197–198
static 271, 273
stereo headsets 99, 100
storage space 81, 289
music 119
videos 114, 116
subaccount passwords 26
swiping 44, 294
Sym key 294
symbols 64
Sync deleted emails option 207
accessing email and 200, 207, 209
accessing online calendars and 144, 155
accessing online contacts and 130, 132,
144, 146
defined 273
retrieving information and 10, 19, 275
setting up online accounts for 274
troubleshooting 275–276
Synergy feature 9, 294
system information 182
system updates 76, 295
See also updates
tapping 43, 267, 295
task lists
assigning tasks to 158
creating 156
deleting 161
filtering 159
reordering items in 160
due dates 158, 160
Mark all completed command 161
Mark all incomplete command 161
overdue tasks 159
Purge completed command 161
Set due date for all command 161
changing priority 160
completing 158, 161
creating 156–
deleting 161
displaying 159
editing 159
setting due dates for 160
Tasks application 156–161
technical support 11
text 63, 67, 167, 173, 174
See also information