
R7. INPUTS 2-5: RCA inputs, for signal input of source equipment.
R8. SYNC connectors: for connection of more than one AM-77*.
R9. RS232 option connector: to facilitate future upgrades*.
R10. Infra-Red Link: for connection of a wireline remote control.
R11. IEC power connector: for the connection of a PC-77 mains power cable to the AM-77.
R12. POWER Switch: to switch on mains electricity to the AM-77.
In the majority of audio systems, the AM-77 is most likely to be operated as a Pre-Main Amplifier: please inspect
the rear panel of the AM-77 to verify that the default settings (in bold) to enable the AM-77 to operate in this
mode are as follows:
1. HIFI/PRO switches are set to ‘HiFi’ (left position)
2. MODE switch is set to ‘LR’ (middle position)
3. INT/POWER switch is set to ‘Int’ (right position)
* Please refer to Sections 3 - 5 for a more detail explanation.