Thank you for purchasing the BébéSounds
Second 3-Way Digital Thermometer. This
thermometer will provide you with safe, quick, and
accurate temperature readings.
Our thermometer is designed to measure body
temperature in three ways – orally, rectally, or
under the arm (axillary). It will provide you with
an oral or rectal reading in 5 seconds and an
axillary reading in 20 seconds. Please keep in
mind that body temperatures will differ based on
a person’s age and the time of day it is taken. If
you are monitoring your child’s temperature, please
be sure to use the same method of measurement
when comparing several readings.
Important: the use of this thermometer should
not replace a visit to your doctor. It is
recommended that you advise your doctor
any time a temperature is above 100˚F/37.8˚C.
Thermometer Tip
Protective Cover
Mode Button
On/Off Button
Battery Cover
Oral, Rectal, and Axillary (underarm)
Temperature Ranges
Normal body temperature varies from person to
person and depends on factors such as age,
gender, physical activity, environmental
temperature, and time of day. Normal oral
temperatures may range from 95.9˚F/35.5˚C to
100.4˚F/37.8˚C. An oral temperature can also
be as much as 0.9˚F/0.5˚C lower than a rectal
reading and 0.9˚F/0.5˚C higher than an axillary
reading. Please keep this in mind when monitoring
your child’s temperature.
Please follow these instructions to insure the most
accurate reading possible.
For First Time Use
The first time you use the thermometer press the
Mode (M) button to select the method of
measurement and the reading in Fahrenheit (F)
or Centigrade (C). Be sure to do this before
you turn the thermometer on. Each time you
press the Mode button a different measurement
method will appear on the screen. Stop when
the desired method appears. You will only need
to follow this step after the first use if you
want to change the method of measurement.
How to Use
1. Remove the protective cover.
Follow the instructions for “First Time Use” ONLY
if you want to change the measurement method
3. Press the ON/OFF button ( ). You will hear
a beep and the thermometer will self-test for
about 2 seconds.