
MOPS/586 Literature, Standards, Links
Literature, Standards, Links
PC/104 Specification Version 2.3 June 1996
PC/104 Consortium; www.pc104.org
Embedded PCs Markt&Technik GmbH, ISBN 3-8272-5314-4 (german)
ISA-Bus, Standard PS/2 - Connectors
ISA System Architecture Addison-Wesley Publishing Company
Edward Solari, AT BUS Design IEEE P996 Compatible, Annabooks San Diego CA. ISBN 0-929392-08-6
PC Handbook, Sixth Edition, John P. Choisser and John O. Foster, Annabooks San Diego CA. ISBN 0-
AT IBM Technical Reference Vol 1&2, 1985
ISA Bus Specifications and Application Notes, January 30, 1990, Intel
Technical Reference Guide, Extended Industry Standard Architecture Expansion Bus, Compaq 1989
Personal Computer Bus Standard P996, Draft D2.00, January 18, 1990, IEEE Inc
Embedded PCs Markt&Technik GmbH, ISBN 3-8272-5314-4 (german)
EIA-232-E Interface between data terminal equipment and date circuit-terminating equipment employing
serial binary data interchange (ANSI/IEA-232-D)
National Semiconductor's Interface Data Book includes any applications notes. These notes are also available
online at http://www.national.com/. A search engine is provided to search the text of the available application
notes. Entering 232as search criteria to get a current list of related application notes.
Tri-M Systems Inc., 6-1301 Ketch Court, Coquitlam, B.C., V3K 6X7, Canada
Phone: (604) 527-1100, (800) 665-5600 Fax: (604) 527-1110
Email: info@Tri-M.com Web: www.Tri-M.com