4. Fill the Water Barrel
Place the water barrel on your countertop within reach of an electrical outlet.
Insert the water pressure tube into the hole at the bottom of the barrel. Read
about adjusting this tube later on page 10.
Fill the water barrel with pure water up to about 1-1
½ inches from the top. Use pure water or the same
water you use for cooking and drinking. Do not
immerse the water barrel in water.
5. Put the Two Barrels Together
Set the sprout barrel on top of the water barrel.
Align the sprout barrel until it is securely seated.
Test the unit: plug it in and look for a fountain of
water springing from the top of the green tube. If not,
reseat the barrel until it makes a good connection.
6. Get Ready to Plug In
Place the sprinkler head on top of the green tube and plug the unit into an
electrical outlet. e water should ow through the sprinkler and out its
holes. Place the cover on top of the unit to maintain warmth and humidity.
e sprinkler will spray intermittently several times per hour. Change the
water in the water barrel at least once daily.
7. Harvest Time—When to Pick Your Crop
Harvest time is usually between 5 and 8 days, de-
pending on seed variety (see chart p.11 ). For leafy
green sprouts, this is when 90% of the crop has
dropped its hulls (seed jackets). ey are at their
peak when the leaf develops a cle (divides in two).
Grab your sprouts about halfway down and wiggle
them out, roots and all, or pull the whole tray out
of the barrel. Rinse the sprouts to remove any hulls
hanging onto the roots. Although hulls are edible,
they can detract from taste. Now, clean the tray (see
instructions p. 9)
The sprinkler turns on and off
several times per hour.
After 4 days of growth, the top
tray was removed exposing the
sprouts to light.