rev E Trango Systems, Inc. 3
Quick-Start Guide
1 Prior to installing the wireless link, verify proper operation of PTZ
controller (keyboard) and hard-wired receiver/driver or dome.
2 Determine the bit rate and interface (RS232 or RS485/422) of the
hard-wired system. If it is not 9600 bps and RS485/422, you will need
either to change the setting of the PTZ controller and receiver/driver
or to change the settings of the PTZ-900 equipment. See the end of
this manual for information on changing PTZ-900 internal settings
using TrangoLink software.
3 Wire the terminal block with shielded twisted-pair cable as shown
on pages 8 and 9.
4 After making the necessary adjustments to the internal settings and
cables, connect the system as shown on page 4 and test the wireless
link at short range to verify operation before installing permanently.
5 Install PTZ-900 transmitter and receiver units in desired locations
to 2
″ diameter steel pole and oriented as shown on page 3. The pole
must be securely mounted so that it does not move.
Install antennas above the enclosures and position as shown on page 3.
Important! The PTZ-900TX (transmitter) uses a special antenna con-
nector. Use only the AD900-9-P or the AO900-3-P antenna, otherwise
damage to the unit may occur.
Use extreme care when installing antennas near power lines. You
can be killed if the antenna comes in contact with the power line.
7 Fasten the antenna cables to receiver and transmitter only finger-
tight (no more than 8 lb/in. of torque). Tighten flange around cables.
Apply a small amount of silicone to the flange openings to make a
leakproof connection.
8 Connect shielded twisted-pair interface cables to units through
flanges. Tighten flanges. Important! Power adapter must be kept dry.
9 Verify that LED is illuminated, then tighten down the enclosure’s lid
All rights reserved.
© 2002 Trango Systems, Inc.
15070 Avenue of Science, Suite 200
San Diego, California 92128
+1 858-653-3900
PTZ-900 Installation and Operating Instructions
Do not apply power to the transmitter unless the antenna is con-
nected. Permanent damage to the unit may result.
The PTZ-900
TX transmitter’s effective radiated output varies
between 0.5 and 4 watts, depending on the transmit antenna
used. Although transmissions are of a short duration, it is rec-
ommended that the transmit antenna be kept at least three feet
away from nearby people. Important note to installer: This warn-
ing is for FCC exposure requirements.