WC-IOM-7 • Packaged Heat Pump 23
• Connect properly sized control wiring to the proper termination points
between the zone thermostat and the unit control panel.
Condensate Drain Configuration
An evaporator condensate drain connection is provided on each unit. Refer to
Unit Dimensions for the appropriate drain location.
A condensate trap must be installed at the unit due to the drain connection being
on the “negative pressure” side of the fan. Install the P-Trap using the guidelines
in Figure 9.
A condensate drain line must be connected to the P-Trap. Pitch the drain lines at
least 1/2 inch for every 10 feet of horizontal run to assure proper condensate flow.
Do not allow the horizontal run to sag causing a possible double-trap condition
which could result in condensate backup due to “air lock”.
Filter Installation
Each unit ships with 2 inch filters installed. The quantity of filters is determined
by unit size. Access to the filters is obtained by removing the indoor fan access
Refer to the unit Service Facts (shipped with each unit) for filter requirements.
Note: Do not operate the unit without filters.
Field Installed Power Wiring
An overall dimensional layout for the standard field installed wiring entrance into
the unit is illustrated in Unit Dimensions. To insure that the unit’s supply power
wiring is properly sized and installed, follow the guidelines outlined below.
Figure 9. Condensate Trap Installation