6.1.7 Bypass Status Word Bit Examples
1. Motor running and bypass in drive mode. Status word 22 hexadecimal converts to 00000100010 binary.
Bit10987654321 0
Binary0000010001 0
1. External interlock fault (open) and bypass in bypass mode. Status word 208 hexadecimal converts to 01000001000
6.1.8 ECB Auto Bypass
General Information
Auto bypass allows a fault condition in the drive to
activate running the motor in bypass without operator
intervention. Activation of the function is through setting
timer start parameters in the drive programming. Fault trip
and running in bypass are reported through the drive
display, digital outputs, and serial communications. In
addition, the independently powered ECB card is available
to report bypass status when the drive is inoperable
(control card operative) through its serial communications
or digital outputs.
Prior to Enabling Auto Bypass
Complete the start-up procedure to verify motor
rotation direction in bypass is correct and that
the system is ready in all respects for continuous
full speed operation in bypass.
With the auto bypass function enabled, a fault
signal from the drive activates the auto bypass
If the fault clears before the time delay is
complete, the motor remains operating in drive
mode. This allows temporary faults, such as a
momentary under or over voltage, to clear
without transferring the system to bypass.
If the timer completes its cycle before the fault
clears, the panel trips into bypass mode and the
motor runs at constant full speed from line input
In bypass, the motor will stop:
- if the drive receives a remote stop
- local stop ([Off]) on the keypad is
- a remote start command is removed
- a safety is open
- motor overload is tripped
Once auto bypass is activated, the only way to
reset the unit back to drive mode is by operator
intervention. Ensure that the fault has been
cleared, then press [Drive Bypass] and select drive
Auto Bypass Function Setup
Enable auto bypass by changing parameters in group 31 in
the drive extended menu.
31-01, Bypass start time delay. Setting the timer at
anything other than 0 time activates start delay
in bypass. Leave at 30 sec. default or set as
desired up to 60 sec.
31-02, Bypass trip time delay. Setting the timer at
anything other than 0 time activates auto bypass.
Leave at 5 sec. default or set as desired up to 60
Figure 6.3 Bypass Trip Time Delay
Electronically Controlled B...
6-10 BAS-SVX49A-EN