86 TRG-TRC014-EN
1a 1,382 cfm [0.65 m
1b 63°F [17.2°C]
1c 829 cfm [0.39 m
2 The reduced airflow across the cooling coil at part load causes the
refrigeration system to throttle back in order to stabilize the supply air
temperature condition. IN turn, this results in a reduction in refrigeration
3 Variable thermal load profiles in the spaces, the need for multiple,
independently-controlled spaces, and the existence of a common return air
4 Series, fan-powered VAV
5 The air in the ceiling plenum is warmer than the space because it contains
heat from the building and lights.
6 A pressure-independent VAV control scheme directly controls the actual
volume of primary air that is flowing to the space. The position of the
modulation device is not directly controlled and is basically a by-product
of controlling the actual airflow through the unit. Because the airflow
delivered to the space is directly controlled, this airflow is independent
of the inlet static pressure.
7 Coanda effect
8 Baseboard, or under-the-window, heating
9 A constant-volume supply fan
10 Inlet vanes modulate the capacity of a fan by “pre-swirling” the air in the
direction of fan wheel rotation, before it enters the wheel. By changing the
angle of air entry into the fan, these modulating inlet vanes lessen the
ability of the fan wheel to “bite” the air.
11 Optimized static-pressure control
12 ASHRAE Standard 62–1999
13 Draining the coils during cold weather, keeping the water in motion, adding
glycol to the water, using face-and-bypass dampers to limit the amount of
cold airflow through the coil, or preheating the outdoor air