38 TRG-TRC012-EN
period five
Application Considerations
Equipment Certification Standards
The Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Institute (ARI) establishes rating standards
for packaged HVAC equipment. ARI also certifies and labels equipment through
programs that involve random testing of a manufacturer’s equipment to verify
published performance.
The overall objective of ARI Standard 550/590–1998 is to promote consistent
rating and testing methods for all types and sizes of water chillers with an
accurate representation of actual performance. It covers factory-designed,
prefabricated water chillers, both air-cooled and water-cooled, using the vapor-
compression refrigeration cycle.
equipment certification standards
ARI Standard 550/590
▲ Purpose
◆ Establish definitions and
testing and rating
▲ Scope
◆ Factory designed and
prefabricated water chillers
◆ Vapor-compression
◆ Air-cooled and water-cooled
Figure 54