TRG-TRC007-EN 25
period two
Sound Perception and
Rating Methods
n Perceptible vibration (RV): The sound level in the octave bands
between 16 Hz and 63 Hz falls in the shaded regions (A and B).
These regions indicate sound-pressure levels at which walls and
ceilings can vibrate perceptibly—rattling cabinet doors, pictures,
ceiling fixtures, and other furnishings in contact with them.
Region A: High probability that noise-induced vibration levels in
lightweight wall and ceiling constructions will be felt. Anticipate
audible rattles in light fixtures, doors, windows, and so on.
Region B: Noise-induced vibration levels in lightweight wall and
ceiling constructions may be felt. Slight possibility of rattles in light
fixtures, doors, windows, and so on.
The RC rating for the sound is the numerical SIL value calculated in Step Two
and the letter descriptor determined in Step Five.