1.6.4 Panel Voltage and Frame Ratings
Table 1.4Table 1.4 defines the voltage and hp ratings of the frames sizes for the panel. See 8 Appendix for overall and
mounting dimensions.
Panel P2
(B3 - Drive)
Bypass Non Bypass
TR200 TR200
Volts VAC HP (KW)
208 & 230 7.5 (5.5) - 15 (11) 7.5 (5.5) - 15 (11)
460 & 600 15 (11) - 25 (18.5) 15 (11) - 25 (18.5)
Panel P3
(B4 - Drive)
Bypass Non Bypass
TR200 TR200
Volts VAC HP (KW)
208 20 (15)
20 (15) - 25 (18.5)
230 20 (15) - 25 (18.5)
460 & 600 30 (22) - 50 (37) 30 (22) - 50 (37)
Panel P4
(C3 - Drive)
Bypass Non Bypass
TR200 TR200
Volts VAC HP (KW)
208 25 (18.5)
30 (22) - 40 (30)
230 30 (22) - 40 (30)
460 & 600 60 (45) - 75 (55) 60 (45) - 75 (55)
Panel P5
(C4 - Drive)
Bypass Non Bypass
TR200 TR200
Volts VAC HP (KW)
208 & 230 50 (37) - 60 (45) 50 (37) - 60 (45)
460 & 600 100 (75) - 125 (90) 100 (75) - 125 (90)
Table 1.4 Panel Voltage and Frame Ratings
1.7 Power Component Functions
1.7.1 Power Fusing
For main panel power fuses, only use the specified fuse or
an equivalent replacement. For drive fuses only use the
specified fuse. See the fuse ratings label on the inside
cover of the unit or Table 3.2Table 3.2, Table 3.3Table 3.3,
Table 3.4Table 3.4 and Table 3.5Table 3.5.
Main fusing
Main fuses are located ahead of the drive and bypass.
Main fuses are designed to protect the circuitry within the
bypass panel but is not adequate to protect the drive.
Main fuses are dual-element, time-delay types and mount
inside the bypass enclosure.
Drive fusing
Drive fuses are located ahead of the drive and are a fast-
acting type. Drive fuses are standard in all bypass and non-
bypass panels.
5,000 or 100,000 amp SCCR
The bypass panel supplied with a non fusible Main
Disconnect Switch is 5,000 amps short-circuit current rating
(SCCR). The bypass panel supplied with a Fusible
disconnect or circuit breaker is 100,000 amp SCCR. The
non bypass panel supplied with a non-fusible Main
Disconnect is 100,000 amp SCCR. See the panel label for
SCCR rating.
The 600 V circuit breaker option is 5,000 amp (SCCR).