RTM Aux. Temp. Sensor Failure
Problem: The RTM auxillary temperature
sensor data is out of range.
Check: Sensor resistance should be
between 830 ohms (200°F)and 345.7
ohms (-40°F). If so, check field/unit wiring
between sensor and RTM.
Reason for Diagnostic: At least one
enabled unit function has the RTM
auxillary temperature input designated
as its sensor, and the unit is reading a
signal that is out of range for this input
(temp. < -55°F or temp > 209°F).
UCM Reaction: The functions with the
RTM auxillliary temperataure input
deignated as their sensor are disabled.
Reset Required: (PAR) an automatic reset
occurs after the designated zone
temperature signal returns to its
allowable range. To prevent rapid cycling
of the diagnostic, there is a 10 second
delay before the automatic reset.
RTM Data Storage Error
Problem: There was a data transmission
Check: This can be caused by an
intermittant power loss. Turn the unit off
for 1-2 minutes, then back on again. If
diagnostic persists, then the RTM may
need to be replaced.
Reason for Diagnostic: An error occurred
while the RTM was writing data to its
internal non-volitile memory (EEPROM).
UCM Reaction: An information only
diagnostic will be displayed at the human
Reset Required: (INFO) A manual reset
may be made at the human interface, at
Tracer Summit, or by cycling power to
the RTM.
RTM Zone Sensor Failure
Problem: The RTM zone temperature
sensor input is out of range.
Check: Sensor resistance should be
between 830 ohms (200°F) and 345.7
ohms (-40°F). If so, check field/unit wiring
between sensor and RTM.
Reason for Diagnostic: At least one
enabled unit function has the RTM zone
temperature input designated as its
sensor, and the unit is reading a signal
that is out of range for this input (temp. < -
55°F or temp > 150°F).
UCM Reaction: The functions with the
RTM zone temperataure input deignated
as their sensor are disabled.
Reset Required: (PAR) an automatic reset
occurs after the designated zone
temperature signal returns to its
allowable range. To prevent rapid cycling
of the diagnostic, there is a 10 second
delay before the automatic reset.
SCM Communication Failure
Problem: The RTM has lost
communication with the SCM.
Check: Check field/unit wiring between
the RTM and SCM.
Reason for Diagnostic: The RTM has lost
communication with the SCM.
UCM Reaction: A “lockout” request is
sent to the compressor staging control
function. A failsafe function in the SCM
will cause all SCM outputs to be zeroed
and deenergized.
Reset Required: (PAR) An automatic reset
occurs after communication has been
Space Static Press Setpt Failure
Problem: The active space static pressure
setpoint is out of range.
Check: Check setpoint value. Also, if
space pressure setpoint source is GBAS,
but this setpoint has not been assigned to
any of the four analog inputs on GBAS,
this message will occur.
Reason for Diagnostic: The unit is reading
a signal that is out of range for the space
static pressure setpoint (input < 0.03 iwc
or input > 0.20 iwc).
UCM Reaction: The default space
pressure setpoint will become the active
space pressure setpoint.
Reset Required: (PAR) An automatic reset
occurs after the designated space
pressure setpoint source sends a signal
within range for 10 continuous seconds,
or after a different space pressure
setpoint source is user-defined.
Supply Air Pressure Sensor Failure
Problem: The supply air pressure sensor
voltage input is out of range.
Check: Check field/unit wiring between
the sensor and RTM.
Reason for Diagnostic: The unit is reading
a signal that is out of range for the supply
air pressure sensor voltage input (input <
40mV or input > 4.75V)
UCM Reaction: The IGVs will drive closed,
and the following functions are disabled;
a. SA pressure control
b. SA static pressure limit
Reset Required: (PAR) An automatic reset
occurs after the SA temp heating setpoint
input returns to within range for 10
continuous seconds, or after a different
SA temp heating setopint selection
source is user-defined.
Supply Air Pressure Setpoint Failure
Problem: The SA pressure input signal is
out of range.
Reason for Diagnostic: The SA pressure
setpoint input is sending a signal that is
out of range (Input < 1.0 iwc or input > 4.3
UCM Reaction: The default SA pressure
setpoint will become the active SA
pressure setpoint.
Reset Required: (PAR) An automatic reset
occurs after the designated SA pressure
setpoint source sends a signal within
range for 10 continuous seconds, or after
a different SA pressure setpoint source is