
Simple Interface with Other
Control Systems
Microcomputer controls afford a simple
interface with other control systems,
such as time clocks, building automation
systems, and ice storage systems. This
means you can have the flexibility to
meet job requirements while not having
to learn a complicated control system.
This setup has the same standard
features as a stand-alone water chiller,
with the possibility of having the
following optional features.
Alarm Indication Contacts
The unit provides four single-pole,
double-throw contact closures to
indicate that a failure has occurred, if
any compressors are running, or if the
compressors are running at maximum
capacity. These contact closures may be
used to trigger job-site-provided alarm
lights or alarm bells.
Generic Building Automation
System Controls
External Chilled-Water Set Point
Allows the external setting independent
of the front panel set point by one of
two means:
a) 2-10 VDC input, or
b) 4-20 mA input.
External Current-Limit Set Point
Allows the external setting independent
of the front panel set point by one of
two means:
a) 2-10 VDC input, or
b) 4-20 mA input.
Ice-Making Control
Provides an interface to ice-making
control systems.
Chilled-Water Temperature Reset
Reset can be based on return water
temperature or outdoor air temperature.
Figure 6
Tracer Chiller Plant Manager
IBM PC with Building
Management Network